A New Vision

Learn more about our
mission, vision, & values

This is an exciting time for your Hawai’i Opera Theatre’s future, and we are proud to announce our rearticulated Mission, Vision, and Values statements, which will guide the continued development of our organizational culture and shape our purpose in Hawai’i and beyond.


Hawai’i Opera Theatre enriches the quality of life in our island communities through the inspirational power and joy of opera.


Hawai’i Opera Theatre (HOT) believes that different perspectives, cultural histories, life experiences and personal stories enrich the operatic repertoire and have the potential to make meaningful local and worldwide impacts. As a regional company, HOT is committed to supporting and engaging creators and music lovers who reflect the diversity of Hawai’i.


Hawai’i Opera Theatre believes that:
• Opera is for everyone
• Opera can tell all stories through music
• Opera is a complete and collaborative art form, integrating the elements of visual art, words, vocal and instrumental music, drama, and dance
• Opera plays an important role in building a robust and sustainable community that can have worldwide impact
• Opera is integral to a well-rounded education, teaching valuable skills in teamwork, personal expression, literacy, and confidence

We hold these core values close to our hearts:

Approaching everything we do and say, every day, with utmost respect

Extending our family to include everyone of all backgrounds

Caring for and cherishing our community, our artform, our company and everyone in it

Conducting our business in ways that are trustworthy, honorable, and transparent